Friday, October 26, 2007

Little Writers in the Big Woods: Part 4

So Day 1 ends with us...

1. Enjoying our surroundings:

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2. Feeding the fish:

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3. Learning how to successfully build a (small) fire:

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4. Learning how to successfully pee in a drinking cup:

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(and figuring we won't do MORE than pee for the next 96 hours)

5. Learning you can't cook hamburgers fast enough when you are really, really hungry and that two hours later they might still be bleeding over the (broken) grill...but that's okay, cuz we DID have this:

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6. And getting some actual WRITING done. Which, after all, is The Reason We Are Here:

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Of course, by nighttime our "citiness" gets the better of us (even Pam, haha). Here we are in the middle of nowhere, in a teeny cabin surrounded by miles of forest. Owls hooting. Crickets chirping. COYOTES yowling. Oh, yeah, and a constant barrage of gunfire that thankfully ends as the sun goes down.

But when the sun does go down--man, it is freaking dark! We hang towels over the (curtainless) windows so we don't feel quite so helpless and exposed. Like fish in a bowl. Or, more accurately, like fresh bait in a trap:

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(Of course if that towel had landed on that heater, I wouldn't be blogging at all)

Oh, and did I happen to mention UNFORTUNATE INCONVENIENCE #5???


No cell phone. No land line. N-o-t-h-i-n-g.

Who cares? We're pioneers! With laptops.

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