Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Fugue Macabre: GHOST DANCER

YAY! This has been a LOOONG journey for my dear friend Char--and now I'm thrilled to announce the long-awaited release of her debut novel, FUGUE MACABRE: GHOST DANCE:

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BOOK DESCRIPTION: "Mix: One reluctant necromancer pursuing peace One burnt out homicide detective hunting a killer. One shapeshifter seeking forgiveness. One firestarter searching for truth. One paid assassin seeking their deaths. Add liberal amounts of: Family secrets, lies, and treachery. Stir constantly until boiling begins. Serve with murder, suspense, and a dash of romance on the side."

A paranormal thriller guaranteed to keep you awake at night!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TABATHA! And congratulations to C.J. PARKER!

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