Saturday, January 19, 2008

Where are you Guys????

I haven't been able to get at my friends' pages on Live Journal since early this a.m. Anyone else have this problem? Once again I'm falling behind on everyone's posts. I'm in withdrawal! And where are my Blogger friends?

Oh, wait. I don't have any. They're all over at LJ!

*I've* been up since 4:45 a.m. and I'll be on my way to work in an hour or so (expletive deleted). My next day off isn't till Wednesday! This new schedule + rotating shifts has me too confused to remember what day it is. I'd hoped to get some writing done today, but why bother when I have to work? I can't concentrate, plus I've been known to be late because I can't always tear myself away from the keyboard in a timely manner.

Instead of writing, I finished The Pact by Jodie Picoult--the second book of hers I've read and, yes, the second one I hated to put down.


Also read this month--





--which is a pretty good start for the new year (for me).

PS: I don't do reviews--but this was a GREAT BUNCH OF BOOKS!


Anonymous said...

I only read My Sister's Keeper so far, but I loved it and I plan to read more. Someday. When I can get to the library again.


Jeannine Garsee said...

OMG. Someone left me a comment. :)