Saturday, September 15, 2007

Still Rambling

Horoscope: "Think before you speak; it may be better to wait before making matters even more complicated.


Beth is packed and *I* am exhausted!

For those of you (like me) still struggling with html, I found a great COLOR CHART. I'm working on a MySpace for a friend and it's come in handy.

More reviews listed on my website which is currently being updated by my brilliant webmaster Judah Mahay. Something else I've been putting off, like a haircut, like bills, like trimming my toenails and cleaning the ten thousand empty Dasani bottles out of my car and peeling the stale Twizzlers out of the glove compartment. Like w-r-i-t-i-n-g?!?!?

I finally got my copy of CARPE DIEM so I'll be posting an interview with author Autumn Cornwell as soon as I can, which means as soon as I finish reading it. So far I love VASSAR SPORE--isn't that the coolest name??

Meanwhile, postcard to agent...

Check one:

________ Sucks

________ Doesn't suck

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